SEMpdx Announces Reading Results as its Charity of Choice
For further information, contact:
Amy Rosenberg, 503-869-2688
SEMpdx Announces Reading Results as its Charity of Choice
Portland, Ore. — August 15, 2016 — SEMpdx (Search Engine Marketing Professionals of Portland) announces Reading Results as its new Charity of Choice for the next year. Each year SEMpdx — the local nonprofit business organization focused on digital marketing education — selects a Charity of Choice to support, offering ten percent of its proceeds from the year, along with valuable pro-bono digital marketing expertise.
Working toward the vision that all children have the right to read and succeed, Reading Results partners with schools serving low-income students to provide a proven reading intervention program. With a focus on equity, Reading Results identifies first, second, and third graders who are already falling behind in reading and intervenes—providing an intensive reading instructional program. Tutors spend the school year working with students, delivering both their curriculum as well as an intentional message to each struggling child: “You are important. Your community cares about you and your future.”
“Reading Results is honored and excited to be SEMpdx’s Charity of Choice,” said Reading Results Executive Director, Jennifer Samuels. “The expertise, resources, and passion of SEMpdx members will truly make a difference in the lives of the students we serve. We look forward to the boost this partnership will bring to realizing our vision; that all children have the right to read and succeed.”
SEMpdx board members will provide the charity with pro-bono digital marketing services including search engine optimization (SEO), management of the Google Grants program for advertising donations and social media marketing, in addition to ten percent of its 2016 proceeds. The charity will also receive recognition and free attendance at monthly SEMpdx educational events including Engage (formerly known as SearchFest) the daylong digital marketing conference slated for March 9, 2017.
“I am incredibly honored to be working with an organization like Reading Results,” said Darin Fenn, SEMpdx’s Charity of Choice Director. “Both SEMpdx and Reading Results are fundamentally dedicated to education, and this partnership will ensure that education is a top priority.”
About SEMpdx
SEMpdx (Search Engine Marketing Professionals of Portland) is a nonprofit group dedicated to nurturing the development of the search engine marketing (SEM) and social media marketing (SMM) industries in Portland. Created as a resource for both local industry professionals and area businesses, SEMpdx strives to build national credibility for Portland as a hub for the industry. Each year, SEMpdx selects a charity of choice to support for a 12 month period.
About Engage
Engage, hosted by SEMpdx, is Portland’s premier digital marketing conference. The 11th annual event will take place on Thursday, March 9, 2017 at the Sentinel Hotel.
About Reading Results
Reading Results is a Portland based nonprofit committed to helping struggling learners get on the path toward academic success and a brighter future. In 2016/17 Reading Results will provide tutoring for 620 struggling learners who are low-income and students of color, at 26 Portland metro area elementary schools.
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